#Ampersand2018 September Challenge

On instagram there are often monthly challenges. The point is to take a picture every day (or as you please) with a new prompt every day. I follow this great bookstagrammer, commasandampersands, and she post a new challenge every month, and I figured I would give it a go. I did not post a picture every day, but still managed quite a few.

It is supposed to be about all kinds of books, but I made it into a Harry Potter themed challenge. Who would have guessed?! It was fun to be creative, and take pictures, but not every prompt was easy let me tell you… Not every picture I was satisfied with, but points for effort right?

I wrote more on Instagram if you want to see them with more of a description, here I’ll just put the pictures and the prompts. My handle on insta is istrand.

// 1. School // 2. Letters

// 3. Local

// 4. Conquer // 5. Charity

// 6. Truth // 7. #housepride

Number 8 was a boomerang, so it is only on instagram. // 9. Flame // 10. Numbers

// 11. #onthebed // 12. subject

// 13. okay // 14. go-to

15. and 16. is not here, because I was away that weekend. // 17. pick // 18. ebook

// 19. dressup // 20. hour

I skipped number 21… // 22. adventure // 23. banned

// 24. sequel // 25. dreamer

26 is also a boomerang, and can be seen on instagram. // 27. mark // 28. nine

I was away on the 29th, so didn’t do it, but ended it all with // 30. wrap-up.

Remember that they all can be seen in better format on instagram (istrand).
Let me know which one is your favourite?

2 thoughts on “#Ampersand2018 September Challenge

  1. Pingback: Fem ting om september | Peace and love

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