Category Archives: Blog

Hogwarts Castle – in LEGO!

A couple of weeks back I invited my brother over to build some lego and watch some movies. Namely the Hogwarts Castle and the Harry Potter series. Depending on your building speed it will take you about five and a half movie to build a castle. Including breaks for food, stretching your fingers and late night tiredness. Loads of fun and so magical to see how the castle appears gradually as you build. Totally recommend every fan to get this, but kinda expensive tho… I was lucky to have it gifted to me by my parents!

One side shows the outside, but on the back, it is like a doll house. Meaning that the outer wall is gone, and you see the inside of the castle with a bunch of different rooms, like the potions classroom, the chamber of secrets, the library, Gryffindor common room and so forth. Love it.

January HAUL

I was supposed to post this ages ago, but here we are, a few weeks later than planned. The good thing about things I buy: I still have them a few weeks later. Bought a few things in January, and the first thing I bought is kind of off-season, but therefore on sale. Christmas jumpers!

The one on the right even has little LED-lights in the floating candles. Which makes it harder to wash, but cooler to wear. Both jumpers bought from GeekStore. Something else from the same store is these two pins sets.

Lastly something I have been wanting for a long time. Harry Potter. Page to screen. Now it is out in an updated edition, so I figured it was time. I liked the old cover better, but I’ll rather have more reading material than a nice cover. At least in this situation!

Harry Potter – Hearing Aids

You guys might not know this, but I use hearing aids. A couple weeks ago I saw someone post on Facebook – they had bought ‘decorations’ for their hearing aids, and I was intrigued. I have seen people decorate their aids before, but this person had bought some different things from this company, Lugs. I googled the company and looked through the things they have. I wasn’t really gonna buy anything, but then I saw this Harry Potter kit, and I thought why not.

Today it arrived in the mail, and I had to test it out. And just so we all know, it’s meant for kids and I am not going to use this every day or anything.

In this kit I got 2 sets of vinyls to cover the aids, and a set of stickers to decorate the vinyls. There is also two sets of charms featuring Harry Potter and you-know-who. Or as the shop advertises it: Harry and The one who’s name we don’t speak!

The charm is quite visible, and I think it would be fun for kids to have these on display. The vinyl and sticker is quite hidden behind the ear so it is not as visible. I guess that is more of an option for me if I want some Harry Potter on my ears.


I took just one sticker on each aid, but one is free to go crazy. I have more vinyl so maybe later. I think I’ll use this for more special occasions related to Harry Potter. Either way, it was fun to try and a little different to have something Harry Potter related to my hearing aids.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery

For the past few weeks I have been trying the new Harry Potter themed game from Portkey Games, Jam City and Warner Bros. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is kind of a role-playing video game. You create an avatar and go to Hogwarts. While there, things happens and you take classes, and there is a plot aside from that, you make friends and enemies, in other words; you get the Hogwarts experience.

You have to make choices along the way. You can’t really change the whole plot or anything, but you can affect little things, like your house points or skill level. I am currently in my second year. Every year has some chapters, in which you will learn certain things, take certain lessons and meet certain people. Below you can see my avatar:

All pictures are screenshots from the game, and all you see is created by Jam City. 
You can change your clothes, your hair, your facial features and make it look more like yourself or something you want it too look like. Aside from going through the school year and levels, you also earn points within three traits, as seen on the right side. A higher level enables more choices and gives more of a bonus in some cases.

You will have different tasks, like a lesson in transfiguration, as seen above. You might see the blue lines, they indicate that there is something you can do with this person or object to gain points in that lesson. You have to gain points to get the stars needed for the lesson. (See the bar at the top?)

You can also do things outside of the classroom, and throughout the game more rooms or areas in the school will be available to you.

I am not the most avid player. I play every now and then, not even every day. Empty out my energy bar, and come back another day, unless I am in the middle of a task and just have to wait for the refill, then I’ll come back an hour later or something to finish the task. Sometimes I forget that I am in the middle of something and the task will have run out of time, and I have to start over. I have seen that some complain about the waiting time for energy, but personally I don’t find it a bother. I guess for those who actually go in several times a day, it can be bothersome, but I am sure the developers have thought this through. I am glad that there is a limit to how much one can do in one go, otherwise I would have played the whole thing through in a night, and then what.

Are you guys playing? How are you feeling about this game? I like the game, and I’m looking forward to see what happens later in the game.